Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Practice what you preach sista

Well my friends...God is so good the way He can allow you to minister to your own need with out even knowing it. My darling husband lost his job this Monday. It seems that along with that we have also lost the dream of owning our first home. Well...at least the one we had under contract. We were scheduled to close on October 21, just before my big 40th birthday. This time of year is notoriously bad for me. I was thinking that this year would be the exception. As I start to even entertaining this line of thinking I feel it dragging be down so now is when we give a sacrifice of praise!

Thank you Lord that you allowed this to happen before we got into that house. You are so merciful. Thank you for all you are doing in our Family. What a testimony we will have as you reveal your plans for us through this difficult time. I praise you for always having us in the palm of your hands. I praise you for being delighted as we put on our worship CD's and sang and danced before you last night. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful friends who are praying for us and who have had a timely word for us at such a time as this. I praise you for touching their hearts. Please bless them exceedingly and abundantly above all they could ever hope for.
Lord...I know the plans you have for me are better then any I even know how to have for myself. I thank you for continuing to pour out your mercies new every morning. I thank you for the strong character you are building into my children as they seek you for understanding. Thank you for their child like faith that ministers hope to me in their simple prayers. As Ethan prayed...Lord, I wish for a new job for daddy today and a new house that's better then the one we had. (or something like that...he's 5...Its hard to get his vernacular down! lol)
Know our hearts Lord. Hope deferred makes the heart weak but my hope only lies in you, every moment of every day.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper and I thank you for the comfort that knowing that brings but I also get a sense that this is not a scheme of the enemy though I am sure he will try to capitalize on it! I just truly feel like this is all about you lining up your plans for our lives. We don't want to step outside of that ...not even for a second. You know all of our needs and I thank you for all the ways you plan on meeting them. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Father for all you are and all you do and continue to do even though we don't deserve it. Thank you for our family, friends and joy in you! We love you Lord this day and always.
Oh! And thank you for the way you allowed for our broken computer to come back to life just long enough for Mark to get his resume updated and e-mailed to that company you directed him to on the way home yesterday! You Rock! Amen


Debra Kaye said...

Oh Steph,

I'm in tears reading through this..I'm sure I missed half of it. May your sacrifice of praise be such a beautiful sweet aroma unto our King. I know it is!!

It blessed my socks off! He does rock, doesn't he!!

We are praying. When I told Josh, he said, and I quote "That's because God has a better job for him"!!

I love that you are dancing...sleep deprived and all!!

Lovin you!!

bp said...

Hi Stephanie,
I will be lifting you up in prayer. I was encouraged to read your post and prayer to know that you are relying on God through this and trusting His plan. That is a hard thing to do when it makes no sense in our human eyes and our hearts hurt so much.

Praying for you!