Sunday, January 3, 2010

As The Spirit Leads

This is more to myself than anybody else. I am just feeling inspired. I once loved opening up and asking God to inspire me to write. I dont know how I fell out of it but I just did and I think it was either a season to step away; and we all have those...or it was when I started to take over in my own power. So, I cant promise much but I am going to try to blog the spirit leads. It is a good exercise to not say anything I am not feeling led to say and to not say anything that is clearly "in the flesh" but to just ask God daily what He wants to say to me or through me. So here is to a new year and a new beginning and an effort to let go and let God. I have a feeling this can translate into many areas of my life and prove to be a tremendous opportunity to go up higher...God Bless All His Children.

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